Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hurry Up!

Today just seems like a good day for remembering things. It has been 18 years since my mom died and while God has healed that wound for me, I find that it is heavily on my mind today. Because of current circumstances I find myself wanting to remember a lot of the things I have "forgotten". I know that they are there somewhere but I want to remember them.

So that's the frame of mind I'm in this morning. As I was sitting here wanting to remember I kept getting this sense of God asking me, "Why are you in such a hurry?". Wow! That's me, always in a hurry, always wanting everything NOW. This revelation of course changed my thought pattern. So I sit here and realize that yes, I am in fact always in a hurry and I want everything now! Then another thought, "I'll give to you when it's time". Oh man, more waiting!

But here's the deal. Yes, it seems the last 18 years have more or less flown by, which on one hand makes me want to hurry more, but then I think, how much have I missed out on by not enjoying where I am instead of waiting for what is to come. So I guess my prayer today is to learn to be in the moment. To enjoy the place Christ has me right now and to trust Him to "give to me when it's time".

Guess I'll have to learn to get over the "hurry up" and enjoy the "wait".

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pray for Rabbi

Over the last few years God has blessed my life by allowing me to have a very special relationship with Rabbi Ron Aaronson and his wonderful wife Dolly. Rabbi (that’s what we call him) is a Messianic Jewish Rabbi at Congregation Beth Messiah in Houston, TX. (For those of you who don’t know what that is, a Messianic Jew is a Jewish person who is saved and believes that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.) Rabbi is an awesome man of God who devotes his life to the Lord and helping the Jewish people come to know Christ. This is his calling and his passion. He recently started an non-profit organization called the Israel Benevolence Fund ( to help support the widows and orphans in Israel. He loves the Lord and works tirelessly to see His work done. And Rabbi is blessed to have Dolly at his side. She is a Christ-loving, walking example of what a Christian wife should be. She is so supportive of Rabbi and what God is doing in their lives. As you can tell, I love these people dearly!

I received a call a little while ago that Rabbi is in the hospital with an embolism in his Aorta. He is awake and seems to be doing well. They are transporting him to a different hospital so I don’t know much about what his treatment will be, etc. Please pray for Rabbi Ron and Dolly as well as their children and grand-children and of course his doctors. I know God is working so please pray for God to grant them comfort and strength as they face this challenge. Thank you in advance for your prayers and please forward this to your prayer warriors.

In His Grace,