Wednesday, December 3, 2008

God Rocks!

I'm sure that heading really surprises you right? Probably not but it seems like every single time I feel that God is mindful of me, I am completely stunned. I know I should probably accept that He can do that by now but it blows my mind every single time! He, the creator of the universe, the one tasked with holding all this together, actually takes the time to choregraph things to speak to me at the exact moment it is needed. Doesn't that just astonish you! It does me, everytime and this is NOT the first time yet still I stand amazed.

I'm sure you are wondering what in the world I am talking about. I started a new bible study (yes, I have been slacking in this area and am in desperate need of a word) so I began one that I am doing with my (God-given) "maw". Today's lesson was really about control and trusting God to work things out. For those of you who know me, I am a CONTROL-FREAK! (There I said it.) I needed to hear this lesson. God knows I needed to hear this message. He also knows that I am hard-headed so He went ahead and decided to give me a double-dose! After my lesson, I checked me email and don't you know that one of my email devotionals was titled, "Who's Battle Is It?", and I quote, "In other words, it’s God’s problem. Let him solve it." Thank you Rick Warren. And thank you God, back to back, 2 lessons on trusting God and giving up control. (Did I mention I was a control-freak?) You just have to love God. Isn't He the best!

On another note, Happy Belated Thanksgiving. I had a wonderful time visiting with my family (and extended family/friends) in South Texas. We ate tons of food, laughed a lot and my nephew shot his first deer. The highlight of my trip was watching/helping, mostly wathing Daddy White get his windmill up and running. Great stuff! Hope you have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

Leah B. said...

Thanks for sharing, friend! I love hearing about all that God is doing in your life - and, yes, He does certainly rock!!! Love ya and miss ya!